About Me

Hello there!

My name is Julia - thanks for visiting! Let me tell you a little bit about myself!

I was born in South Korea, but was adopted when I was a baby - I was told that I was placed on a plane with a lot of other babies and had a tag on my wrist that said who my new parents were. Pretty interesting! I grew up in Silver City, New Mexico before moving to Tucson, Arizona. I took some Japanese and Illustration courses and eventually majored in Fine Arts at the University of Arizona and minoring in Japanese.

After graduating, I moved to Japan in order to teach English I worked in a small town in Tokushima called Tsurugi and lived over in Handa. I taught Junior High School students and coached them on their English speeches as well as assisted in developing activities, quizzes and games.

After about two years, I felt the need to change my career and move on to something that I could really throw myself into. So, I left Tokushima and moved to Tokyo with the savings I had from working on JET.

Upon moving to Tokyo, I opened up a Patreon and started freelancing my art and character creation skills. I joined the Twitch community and helped my friend along with other Twitch affiliates and partners create and develop their online personas with graphics and illustrations. I learned quite a bit about graphic design and advertisement in general. Though, I needed to find something a bit more stable. My mom actually ended up introducing me to the idea of programming.

I started to teach myself how to code by taking a few free online introductory courses to JavaScript and found that it was actually fun! I then learned about Code Chrysalis, an advanced engineering bootcamp. I took their foundations course and later got accepted into the full-time bootcamp after passing their test and interview. I spent many rigorous hours honing my skills. I was able to make unique contributions to my final team project where I combined my design skills to create new characters for an AR game app.

Since graduation, I've been passionate about UI/UX Design and continuing to blend my illustration skills with programming and am looking into future opportunities to exercise all of my skills and passion.
